So a little behind, but it's been a rough couple of weeks, so I have an excuse :). More on that topic on a later post.. I still gotta catch up on my bestie and hubbies b-days too! I didn't forget!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter, I know we sure did! Friday I got off work a little early to start the holiday weekend, so I went to the money sucking hole we call Target to help the Easter Bunny.. Last minute? That's me! :) Rushed home and the 3 of us spent the night lounging, dying eggs and cooking dinner. We had such a good time! As much as I LOVE being around our big families, it was so very nice to have the night with just the 3 of us. Much needed! I love those two so much! I remember one time looking across the table at Jake and just thinking.. this is what I've
always wanted! Not the disgusting smell of vinegar, or the small anxiety I had letting Kailee do it by herself, or the constant clean up or the patience I had to convince myself I had.. But, looking on my right to see the happiest 4 year old in the world so anxiously awaiting to 'check' on her eggs, and across the table at my handsome hubby who is so dang good to Kailee and I and right next to us doing all of these cheesy holiday things because he loves us. I loved every second of it! The butterfly that they drew on one to scare me, the Braves one I made for my babe, the cute scribbles on Kailee's, and of course,the inappropriate one Jake drew.. I won't tell you, but I'm sure you can guess ;) Silly man! I just loved sitting at the table with two of the people that mean the very most to me in the whole world creating a fun memory and tradition for many more Easters to come!
This is how excited she is to dye eggs! |
Just the 3 of us! |
I could eat her cheeks! |
Doing it by herself! |
Love her! |
Love them!! |
Saturday morning we woke up and made a YUMMY breakfast. Stuffed french toast! So good! Jake had told me earlier in the week he wanted to try pb&j french toast. I thought it sounded interesting, and a little gross, so I picked up some strawberries and strawberry cream cheese for Kailee and I's. SO good! Jake loved his and we loved ours! Definitely will be making these again - especially with the
yummy vanilla sauce! Jake actually requested it for his birthday breakfast, so I guess it won him over! This picture doesn't really do it justice.. and let's face it.. I am NO food photographer! But it was sure yummy!
PB&J Stuffed French Toast |
We had made plans to go to the Living Planet Aquarium that day with my family since we didn't go up to my Mom's for the weekend. She has been down and out for WAY too long (over a month) with a major eye infection. Poor thing was so miserable she didn't even come down. My mom doesn't miss one second with the little girls, so I knew she wasn't feeling well at all. But we were glad to spend the day with the rest of the fam! Grandpa, Riley, Joey, Linds and little B. We had such a good time! They came to our house first and it was so nice to have them there! It doesn't happen very often, and we loooove when it does! No driving for us and new scenery for them! We headed to the Aquarium and met up with Brandon, Morgan and Kamas.. So glad they came down! It was fun to spend family time with them too! Morg really is a sister to me and it was fun to have her there.. And Kamas is so flippin' cute! I really hate living so far away from them. I feel like I miss so much! Especially now that she has a little one.. He must know that me and his mamma are best friends, because he will always let me hold him! Love that little cutie! We spend the afternoon checking out fish, chasing the girls, eating lunch (thanks Dad!) and just enjoying some family time! It was a perfect day! And it wasn't even close to over yet..

We all headed back to our house and let the girls play for a bit and Grandpa Kevin headed back to be with Grandma Merrilee. Riley talked Linds and I into driving BACK to Draper to the fish store so he could buy a couple new fish.. Boy is OBSESSED with his fish tank, and let's be honest, Linds and I would do anything he asked us too, so we went!! :) It was less than an hour, but it was really nice to spend some time with just the 3 of us. It's been awhile since that happened.. Crazy to think that Lindsay and I are both married with little girls, and she has one on the way, and Riley is a senior and will soon be off on his mission. (That is the last time you'll hear me say that because even typing it out made me want to cry! I know it will be so good for him, but I selfishly am pretty torn. I'm not sure if it's possible to go TWO years without him.. He's our favorite!) We had fun laughing, talking and looking at fish.. I knew my mom would have loved to see the three of us like that.. We sure missed her! Us Andrus' needed to be to Roger and JoLene's by 5, so the Black's and Riley headed home. Such a fun day! Thanks so much for coming down you guys! We love our time with you!
Next up on our busy day was the Easter egg hunt at Grandma Andrus'.. Of course the kids loved it! It's so fun to watch them get so excited to find eggs :) Kailee LOVED it! She would hunt for eggs all day if you let her! :) We played outside for a minute, the kids got their Easter prizes from Grandma A, and then half of the fam headed to Wingers to end the day. Busy busy, but great day!

Sunday morning, we woke up to about a billion eggs and two overflowing baskets. The Easter Bunny found Jake and Kailee :) Kailee was so excited to find all of her eggs (30+.. oops) and LOVED her new Hello Kitty water dispenser! She is obsessed with Hello Kitty lately. So a lot of her stuff was HK. A swimsuit, the water dispenser, a brush, hair clips, lip gloss rings, and bubble bath. Nope, she's not spolied :) And of course lots of treats! Jake must've been really good too! He got a new swimsuit, shower gel, a loofah, new toothbrush, mouthwash, and lots of treats.. Spoiled man, he is! Easter Bunny must know how good he is to his girls! We had breakfast and quickly got ready for church. Roger was speaking in sacrament meeting so we were able to go listen to him at their ward. Kailee was extra cuddly with me, so we might have to try church more often ;). After church we took a much needed and long nap at home and then headed outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather! It was such a beautiful day! We can't wait for Summer! Hope you all enjoyed your Easter as much as we did!