Monday, April 10, 2017

St. George Competition @ Dixie High School

Our favorite competition of the year and it did NOT disappoint! This is our 4th year going down to St. George to watch Kailee dance, and each year has gotten better and better! We've started renting a condo instead of staying in a hotel, and it is awesome! I will have a hard time staying in hotels in the future now that we've rented properties a few times! It is so much more convenient and so much more fun! You can do your own cooking, there is space to hang out (that isn't a hotel bed!) and all the amenities! It's the way to go!

We started going down on Thursday afternoon a couple of years ago, and having that extra full day on Friday makes all the difference! We left about 10:30-11:00 am to get Kbug from school and we were on our way! Jason, Angie and Boston were about an hour behind us. The kids did AWESOME on the drive, and if it weren't for Jake and I needing to stop in Parowan, we would have made it the whole drive without a stop! Hank was an AWFUL traveler last year during all of our trips to the cabin, so we were relieved when both St. George trips this year were a breeze! We made it, checked into our super nice condo and started unpacking. The Reynolds fam made it pretty quickly after and we checked out the place, let the boys play for a bit and then went to grab some dinner. There aren't a whole lot of restaurant choices close by, but we found one we'll definitely be going back to! Bella Marie's Pizzaria was FANTASTIC! We ordered salads, yummy garlic cheese bread, pastas AND pizzas and we all loved it! Nothing like a good brick oven pizza! ;) I already can't wait to go back next year! It was THAT good! After dinner, we dropped the dads and kiddos off and Ang and I went to Walmart for our weekend groceries! Never mind it taking us 2 1/2 hours...we had fun! ;)

We were all pretty tired that night and crashed somewhat early. Angie, Jake and I wanted to work out Friday morning so Jason offered to stay with the boys and Kailee tagged along with us. We got in a good work out before starting our day! I loved it! After that, it was straight to the pool, even though it was pretty chilly out! The boys and K LOVED it! We swam and splashed and played in the water for a couple of hours. Loved soaking up that sunshine, even if it wasn't quite as warm as we would have liked it to be! ;) We did get the nicest weather on Friday, which worked out perfectly with our plans!

After the pool, it was back to the condo for naps for the babies and showers for the rest of us! We couldn't wait to get to Thunder Junction Park!

This has to be the cutest park I have EVER seen! It had fun things for all the kids to do and the weather was perfect for our afternoon there! We stayed for a couple of hours, and honestly think we could have stayed a couple hours more! It was darling and the kids LOVED it! It is so much fun to have Hank old enough to enjoy parks too! Kailee has always loved them, and now it's more fun to take Hank because he can enjoy it with her! She loved swinging and playing with both of her brothers! She really is the best big sister! We were so sad to have missed the train. We didn't realized that they stopped selling tickets to ride pretty early and I was so bummed to not take Hank! He is obsessed with trains and would get so excited watching it pass by us! Next time, for sure! He had a blast on the swings and the cutest little zip line he would have done all day if he could! I can't wait to get back to that park when we take our trip in June!




We headed back to the condo for dinner and to put the little ones down for bed. Kailee REALLY wanted to hot tub, so Ang and I took her down and Jake and Jason kept the boys and put them to bed for us (again!) they really are awesome dads and it's always nice to have a little girl time! :) Friday was such a fun day!

Saturday morning it was competition time!! YAY! Kailee's team did AWESOME, even if their placement didn't show that. They competed against some pretty great teams, but best of all, they showed TONS of improvement from the last one! We were all so proud! Plus, Kailee stayed happy this time! We told her Friday night we'd only take her down to the hot tub if she was happy at her competition Saturday, and it totally worked! ;) Her second dance she even had a couple of extra spectators! Uncle Pete and Aunt Teresa were able to come watch her too! So sweet of them to come by. They moved to St George not too long ago and we loved seeing them for a few minutes!


After the competition we were all ready for some lunch! We had gone to Larson's Drive Inn the year before and wanted to hit it again. We had to eat inside this time (it was a chilly weekend) and that might have turned me off to it a little! ;) It's a small town diner in every way and you know there is grease, but actually SEEING it made me not quite as excited to return! ;) It was still yummy, and fun to go out to eat! Kailee was of course, dying to get back to swim even if it was only in the 50's!

We got back and put the boys down for a nap, where some of us may have fallen asleep too! ;) It was so nice to have a few quiet minutes! After the boys woke up, it was off to the indoor pool! We had it practically to ourselves most of the time and we had a blast! We weren't there too long, but spent the last 30+ minutes playing volleyball in the water! It started out as K and I, and slowly everyone joined in! It was so much fun! We were all laughing and playing and it was one of those moments you just knew you'd remember. Most importantly, I felt like it was one of those moments you knew Kailee would always remember! She is SO loved, and because of her, Jake and I have some pretty awesome friends in Jason and Angie! We had a blast!

We went back to have dinner and play games. Kailee fell asleep before the games could start, but woke up pretty quick when she realized it was her night to be up late and she wasn't about to stay in bed! ;) We played a few rounds of Heads Up and laughed some more before crashing for the night. Such a fun weekend!

Sunday morning we packed up and hit the Outlets for a bit before our drive home! It was just Hank with us for the drive home, and he did so good! Thank goodness! We might have turned him into a great little traveler after all! ;) 

This weekend is one of my favorites and I was so sad to see it end. We look forward to it for MONTHS, and it always ends too quickly! Every year is more fun and every year there are more memories! I know it sounds kind of crazy, ya know, sharing a condo for a weekend with your husband's ex wife! ;) But it really feels like a vacation away with some of our best friends! SO many laughs and good chats, yummy food and time with all of our kiddos! I love it so much! I missed Boston so much after being able to be around him for a whole weekend! I love him lots and am so excited to see he and Hank's friendship grow! They will be able to play as brothers their whole lives! How lucky for them! I know I say it all the time, but I love our little family so much! Times with just the 7 of us are some of my favorite times! 

Until next year, St. George! 