As I said before, Kailee had her dance recital last month, which concluded her 2013-14 dance year. To say we are all so proud of her is an absolute understatement! This was her first year on the Competition Team at Ultimate Dance. It was a new experience for us all, and I think its safe to say, a great one! I am so excited K has chosen to dance again next year, and this Summer! :) Hopefully next year she'll be a little more comfortable and social with her class. She is pretty shy sometimes, I'm just hoping she wasn't quite so shy when we weren't around. :) Although she may be pretty shy, put her on that stage and the girl SHINES! She loves it! :) She said that was her favorite part about her dance this year.. Competitions and dancing on the stage!
Her first competition was at Thanksgiving Point. She did great! I was so excited to see her 1st performance after all that practicing! :) Her team did great and it was a good 1st experience for us all! She had lots of support at this one! Her Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds came to see her, Grandma Andrus and of course, her mom and Jason, Jake and I. She was a little star up there! She even got to lead her team off on one of their dances by saying '5-6-7-8'. She was pretty concerned everyone would hear her, it took a few competitions to realize we couldn't :) That was also the start of Jake's tradition of yelling 'Go Boo Boo' as she walked out on stage! I thought for sure that would embarrass her. I asked her about it in private so I could kindly tell Jake not to do it anymore, but she said she liked it and it helped her tell where we were sitting :) cute!

Her next competition was in St George! SO much fun! We got to stay in a hotel, swim, eat out AND watch her dance! It was a fun weekend! The 5 of us decided to ride down together and even had adjoining rooms and I know Kailee loved being able to have all of us right there.. Her team did great! We lucked out and she danced pretty early during the day Saturday so we had the rest of the afternoon to enjoy the pool, warm weather, a little shopping and dinner! Can't wait for next year!
Fun on the drive down! Girls in the back, dad's in the front!
Yummy local place for lunch! It was pretty good!
One of my favorite pictures of her! SO excited to dance!
My loves giving kisses! Love that she is on her tip toes! :)
Practicing in the hallway!
Kailee and her friend Monet!
Pretty girl in her Baby Mine costume! :)
Her group
Her third competition was at Corner Canyon High in Draper. Holy GORGEOUS school! She had the 4 of us there, her Grandma Mellor and Grandpa Kevin. Lots of support for the little dancing queen!
Her fourth competition was on Jake's 30th birthday down in Spanish Fork. We got to drive down in some crazy rain, and enjoy Kneaders between dances for Jake's big day :) He was so great to not make it about him and to just support Kailee.. Such a good daddy! My mom and Tony came down to watch this one, so she had extended family support even in Spanish Fork :)
Kailee and daddy on his 30th birthday!
Her last competition was at Lagoon :) I'm sure this one was her favorite! On the way there she told us that she was so excited because today, one of her dreams was coming true. To dance on the stage at Lagoon! I thought that was so sweet! She did great and was a good sport to stop riding rides to go back for her 2nd dance. Her cute friend Sadie got to come tag along with all of us for the day and ride rides so I know that was fun for Kailee. Grandma Merrilee and Brody came to see her and spend the day, and so did Ammon and Amber and the kids :) what a fun day!! Another day Kailee got to enjoy with all four of us. I know it means a lot to her when we are all in the same place so that was fun! Plus, Jason and Jake were good to push the strollers and hold bags while the girls rode rides! We got to Lagoon at 8 am and left at 10pm! Long, warm, FUN day! Apparently too fun for many (or any good) pictures! here's what I have!

Her final recital was at Vista Mesa in Saratoga Springs. Another awesome day for Kailee! She had a TON of support at this one. What a loved little girl! The four of us were there, Jason's grandparents, Grandma Mellor, Rachel, Brock and Brody, Linds, Joey, Brooklynn and Brody, Grandma Merrilee, Grandpa Kevin, Kelly, Grandma and Grandpa Robbins and Uncle Brett! Her cheering section took up an entire row!! So fun for Kailee and meant so much to us to have everyone come support her this year! What a great year! GO K BUG!!! We are all so very proud of you! I can't wait to watch you grow this Summer and next year into an even more beautiful dancer!
Kailee and Sadie :)
Kailee didn't stop at dance! She also had her first year of 'baseball'. We decided against signing her up for T-ball, due to her age, the nights they played and her athletic ability, we felt she could handle coach pitch. The Taylorsville Rec league had coach pitch on Tuesday and Thursdays which works our perfectly because those are the evenings we have Kailee. She did AWESOME! By the end of the season, she was hitting the ball every time she got up! We were so proud of her! She made lots of new friends and huge improvements in the short 4 weeks. Her coach (Heather) was awesome with Kailee and a very patient woman! ha ha. I don't think I have ever seen a set of kids more different! I do have to say, I don't know that I've seen a group of such different kids ALL have such good manners! I was really impressed! We brought treats and snacks the first week and every single kid said thank you without hearing it from their parents! What a fun group of kids! They got to end the season with an ice cream celebration at Leatherbys! What a sweet coach! Kailee had so much fun and I'm thankful for patient parents who volunteer to help coach these kids. Jake was the unannounced assistant and I know Heather appreciated him getting practices started, warming up with them, helping out to pitch, etc. He's a good man!

It was fun to see Kailee try something new and work hard at it. There were times at the end of the season, as with dance, she appeared to be sick of it.. So i'm not sure yet that we've found her niche ;) But I'm so glad she's trying things and sticking with it! Some day, she'll be grateful that she tried EVERYTHING. It will not only help her to decide what she loves and is passionate about, but will teach her dedication, hard work, accountability, teamwork, discipline and responsibility along with so many other wonderful things! Maybe we'll give soccer a shot this Fall? Or gymnastics? :) Awesome seasons Kailee! We are so dang proud of you and hope you keep working hard!