Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Why? No clue... Besides these girls crack me up, they are crazy dysfunctional but they love each other so much!! They all have such different personalities.. It's the craziest family I've ever seen and for some reason LOVE that they just throw themselves out there for the world to see! Khloe is freaking hilarious, Kim is a HUGE brat and Kortney is boring! Haha.. Something about how dysfunctional they are mixed with their undeniable love for each other just sucks me in! Weird, but I LOVE THIS SHOW!
Olay Soap

This stuff is AMAZING! Love the way it smells, love the way my skin feels and it's the ONLY thing I will put on my face.. I love, love LOVE it! If you use the regular Dial or Irish Spring (like I did as a kid.. until I introduced my mom to this), you have GOT to try this! Makes a world's difference! You'll love it, I promise!

Not so much baking.. but cooking! I love trying new things, tweaking favorties, and stealing ideas from friends, family and fun websites! I love all aspects of cooking.. The grocery shopping before, the preperation, the smells and finally.. sitting down to EAT IT! But by far, my most favorite... when Jake and Kailee like it! Nothing better than the satisfaction of feeding your family and feeding them well.. I must've inherited this passion from Grandma Jeri & Grandpa Myron who both loved it too! :)

Everything about it! Cooler temps, beautiful colors, amazing smells, and FOOTBALL! :) I love the first hoodie night, layering of clothes, boots, and scarves.. Fall fashion might be my favorite! Love waking up on Saturday mornings to the sound of College Game Day, watching college football ALL day, and cuddling up on the couch!.. Plus, there is just something about being back on a schedule, turning off the a/c and cracking the windows.. Such a peaceful feeling! Favorite time of year! :)

Damn these things! I could eat chips EVERY SINGLE DAY! And sometimes, I do! Chips and dip, plain chips, flavored chips.. I don't care.. I LOVE them! So bad for me, I know.. But they are my favorite! I don't crave chocolate.. I crave CHIPS! And they go quite nicely with my next love... football!! :)

Loooove me some football! :) BYU games have such a special place in my life.. I went to my first game at 2 weeks old (yes.. 2 WEEKS!) and have missed few home games since. So many fun memories over the past 24 seasons and am SO lucky to carry them into the rest of my life.. Since BYU football is one of Jake's obsessions too! And one of the reasons we connected so quickly. I knew my football! :) Then there's my Steelers! Jake and I don't quite agree on the NFL aspect of football.. But I think this picture speaks for itself, yeah?! :)
Baby Lotion

Love this stuff! I use it after every shower and LOVE the way my skins smells! Does have to be Baby Magic though, not a big fan of Johnson's. Little harder to find, but SO worth the search! I swear by the way it keeps my skin soft and smooth! I've even got Jake using it! He uses it after every shower too, and kissing his baby lotion cheeks? YUM! I love that Kailee will grab it after her tubby time and then ask me to smell her cheeks because she knows I will smooch attack them! :)

I've used this stuff since 8th grade! I use it before bed, every morning and allll daaaay looong :) You will never catch me without it! I've got a tube in my car, in my desk at work, and always in my purse. And a stash at home just in case I ever lose one :) I know the shiny, nude-colored, lacquered looking lips aren't really 'in' anymore, but I don't care! I LOVE this stuff!!! I have ordered it by case once. Yes. This is an obsession post ;)
My Blanklet

Yes, blank-let. Or wobbie, or blankey... :) Yes, I'm 24. Yes, married. Yes, I sleep with it EVERY NIGHT. And, YES, I take it everywhere.. I love my blanklet, and sadly, don't have a picture of the actual one. It's pretty worn out. Some like to call it a rag (MORGAN!), but it is not. It's my blanklet. ;) Don't be fooled by it's appearance.. it smells amazing (like Febreeze and perfume) and it has to be touching my face while I sleep.. I love my blanklet and I don't care who knows! :)
These Two

These two beautiful, funny and loving people are my WHOLE world! They make my life and everything else in it, perfect. They love me unconditionally and have shown me what life is really all about. I could do with out all the rest, as long as I had these two. Knowing I have them makes life worth living and is the reasoning behind every choice and decision I make. I love them with all of my heart, I love that they are my family, and I love that they are what I get to come home to for the rest of forever! I love you Jake and Kailee and can't wait to see what the future holds for the three of us! XoXo
1 comment:
I do something like this around Christmas! So fun! What a great way to get to know you. I think we all have our guilty pleasures when it comes to TV shows. Mine is America's Next Top Model. I love it! Fun, fun, fun!
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